I just watched Tenet, I love that movie.
My favorite part is the Temporal Pincer Movement. That movie is why I am doing what I am doing.
If you have access to travel backwards in time, I highly suggest you employ it. It is the way.
I have planted proof in the past and am telling you in the present while I wait to see what happens in the future.
This is my Temporal Pincer Movement MFer, I have told people things months ago when I revealed my precog ability. I was synching our time by establishing T=0.
Tenet must exist on this timeline, in order to explain the Temporal Pincer Movement (because I fail miserably when I try to speak).
I told them this information months ago to try to determine the advance of time and synch us all to it.
As the movie Fast Times at Ridgemont high says, "If I'm here and you're here, doesn't that it make it our time Mr. Hand."
You are quite right Sean Penn! About the our time shit anyway.
I am setting "our time" as I yeet timelines to "our future". All you have to know is that the movie exists so I am moseying down this timeline.
I informed people about my precog ability months ago right before the crypto crash.
This information worried my sister so much she flew to Denver to make sure I was alright but was still so scared of me that she wouldn't get in the car with me. That killed me inside for in this timeline she saved my life.
I literally was having a heart attack in front of my sister and she rushed me to the hospital, saving my life.
I ended up having a 6 way bypass and told the nurse something about "Leaving the hospital and getting the good drugs". She told my sister about this. And I had no recollection of it when she told me, and had no idea what they meant by “good drugs” as I was mainly a pothead.
I have more to say about my sister. I wondered if you would remember the power of attorney I assigned you back in 2008, and you did. Well fucking done.
I hope you forgive me for dragging you into this but I am an idiot and for now, this is the way.
To make sure people understand, I picked this timeline because I am executing a temporal pincer movement and you can easily find out what that means.
I established things months ago when I was getting an idea of the future. As I said months ago, jumping fucking kills my heart. My safety is not guaranteed.
I cannot stress enough that I did not make things happen, I just chose timelines that those things existed on that go to the future I want.
This is definitely going to be so awesome. I can't wait to hear from you all.
We are all timeline brothers. I can close all the loops, just ask if I have talked to you months ago and watch me loop.
It will be extremely painful for some of you to talk, and I completely respect your choices and will not say a word. I have deliberately posted in various things and flung a lot of shit at the wall to see what sticks.
I have been laying down breadcrumbs and trying to string together enough coincidences to get people to listen. You can choose to believe or not. I will keep on repeating this until it works.
I totally get the “everyone saw it coming” that I heard when I tried talking about my precog before. I always assume that everyone sees what I see, but it doesn’t always play out like that. Either way I am just laying out coincidences until you realize my temporal pincer movement.
Please know that if you are reading this, we are in this together heading towards our future.
Let's go my timeline brothers! We need to move forward.